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Tuckerman Ravine to Watch the Skiers ![]()
Route Summary This is a hike up to the base of Tuckerman Ravine (to Hermit Lake Shelters and Lunch Rocks) via Tuckerman Ravine Trail to watch alpine skiers ski down the headwall of this glacial cirque.
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Trail Guide Snow, shorts, skis, and bikini tops - if you attended the Tuckerman Ravine hike then you got to witness these paradoxes first hand. Anne Hansen led a group of seven SDHers up Tuckerman Ravine Trail for a fun-filled day. Although this is a challenging climb, it was easier than expected, because snow wasn't encountered until shortly before the lunch rocks - crampons weren't even necessary. ![]() There were some hearty adventurers that got as many as three runs in. For those used to skiing with chair lifts at your disposal, this may seem pretty wimpy. But for anyone that has ever hiked up the headwall of Tuckerman Ravine, you know that it's a steep ascent. Add to that the challenge of climbing it when it's snow covered, with skis, and all the other necessary paraphernalia, on your back, and it becomes a monumental task. Tukerman Ravine is the happening place to be at this time of year. The parking lot was packed and there were lots of people hiking the trail, skiing the bowl, and absorbing all the sights. Anne reported that being from New Hampshire was the exception on this day as most of the people seemed to be from Quebec, Montreal, Massachusetts and New Jersey. |
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Driving Directions
![]() The Visitor Center is located on Rt. 16, about 20 miles north of Conway and 11 miles south of Gorham. Facilities Food, lodging, information, bathrooms, coin-operated showers. Other Notes WMNF Recreational Pass A parking permit is required to park at White Mountain National Forest trailheads and parking areas. You can purchase a WMNF permit from the forest service and other vendors and can also pay-by-the-day using self-service kiosks located in many parking areas. For more information on parking passes please refer to the White Mountain National Forest website. Rates:
About Tuckerman Ravine Tuckerman Ravine is a glacial cirque on the southeastern flanks of Mount Washington. The headwall rises sharply from the floor of the ravine to about 500 feet in height. From the base of the ravine, near Hermit Lake Shelters is a great prospect of the bowl with cliffs rising on three sides. Although Tuckerman Ravine is a spectacular setting in any season, it is most well known for the alpine skiing opportunities available in the spring. Skiers will trudge up the trail lugging their downhill skis on their backs. It is challenging enough just to walk the 3.1 miles to the Lunch Rocks near the base of the bowl, but these intrepid adventurers then continue up to a quarter-mile further tackling the steep headwall, donning their skis, and then plunging down the 50-degree slopes. Once at the base, they remove their skis and climb back up to do it all over again. For those that would rather not risk life or limbs, a hike to the base of the ravine is a feasible goal. From here one can drink in the scenery while enjoying the antics of the daredevil skiers. The skiing season at Tuckerman's usually starts about the middle of March and can run all the way into June during a good snow year. For more information on skiing and trail conditions see www.tuckerman.org. More Mt. Washington Trail Reports |
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