Hiking Frog     Hike New England

About HikeNewEngland.com

Welcome to the online trail guide for New England!

The goal of this website is to provide free information for people hiking, walking, or snowshoeing in New England. We currently offer over 200 trail reports – written both by the Webmaster as well as other outdoor lovers. These guides are usually pretty detailed and include a description of the hike, trail distances, a difficulty rating, and driving directions; often photos or trail maps are also provided.

View of Squam Lake from West Rattlesnake's ledges (photo by Ben Kimball for the NH Natural Heritage Bureau) The home page of HikeNewEngland.com is a long listing of destinations (mountains, ponds, etc.) along with their main related facts. You can hone down what you're looking for by clicking on the column headings to sort the list by destination, region, state, difficulty rating, distance, season, date, or author; or just scan down the list to see what catches your eye. Then just click on the destination name to see the detailed narrative and related information for that trail report.

You can also use our Hike Finder at the top of the Hikes page to select exactly what types of hikes you wish to see. You can specify as few or as many options as you like: keywords, difficulty rating, distance, region, state, or season. And again, once the list of your selected hikes has been displayed, you can then choose how to sort it by clicking on one of the column headers.

Your contributions are welcome! Check out our submissions page.

We also have an Articles section which contains articles related to hiking and nature, including some basic safety precautions that are good to follow.

We are not just a free site, we are also a hassle-free site:

Happy Trails!

Email Questions or Comments

Shell Pond seen from Blueberry Mountain in Evans Notch (photo by Mark Malnati)


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