Comments on our Trail Maps

Heading up the trail on Morgan-Percival (photo by Mark Malnati) Our trail maps are intended to give you a good overview of the hiking route and surrounding terrain. However, they are not exact depictions of the geography and trails. Trails are often drawn in by hand as approximate indications of a route since a general overview is better than nothing at all - many trails aren't shown on maps - and you can drive yourself crazy trying to obtain an accurate map for every area you wish to hike in.

Even maps available for purchase from various outlets are often outdated and/or do not show all of the intersecting trails and woods roads that are not open to the general public. Our trail maps can be used to give you a general overview of the route. I've tried to note all trail intersections on the map when possible, or at least in the trail guide narrative when the junctions occur too closely to be designated on a small-scale map.

Most of the trail maps on the site are created by the Webmaster, although some appear courtesy of other organizations.

Legend for Webmaster-generated maps:

Dotted lines indicate trails     Black dotted lines: Trails
Red dotted lines indicate the Appalachian Trail     Red dotted lines: Appalachian Trail
Solid black lines indicate roads     Solid black lines: Roads
Brown lines and numbers indicate contour lines and elevations     Brown lines and numbers: Contour lines and elevations (in feet). The contour interval is noted on each individual map.
Blue indicates bodies of water     Blue: Bodies of water (ponds, streams, etc.)
Yellow highlight indicates the path followed for the hike described     Yellow highlight: The path followed for the hike described
Yellow scale bar indicates number of feet in the length of the bar     Yellow scale bar: A rough scale for determining mileage. The figure in the bar indicates the number of feet scaled to the length of the bar. (There are 5,280 feet to a mile.)
A green circle indicates the start point of the hiking route described     Green circle: Start point of the hiking route described
A red circle indicates the end point of route for point-to-point hikes     Red circle: End point of the route described for point-to-point hikes
A house indicates a hut, cabin, pavilion, or other building     House: A hut, cabin, pavilion, or other building (usually labeled)
A brown triangle indicates a peak     Brown triangle: Peak
A black circle indicates the location of a specific labeled point of interest     Black circle: The location of a specific labeled point of interest

Signal Ridge seen from the fire tower on Mt. Carrigain (photo by Webmaster)


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