A sea stack on an ocean-and-mountain hike in Acadia National Park (photo by Webmaster)

Maine Region Descriptions

Click a region on the to jump to that region's description. Click on a region's header to see a listing of hikes in that region (when available).

Map of Maine regions and highways (map by Webmaster)

ME - Northwest region ME - Northeast region ME - Central Northwest region ME - Central Northeast region ME - ME-Central Southwest region ME - Central Southeast region ME - Southern region ME - Northwest   

The Northwest region is remote and provides ample opportunities for hiking. It encompasses Baxter State Park and the 100-Mile Wilderness stretch of the Appalachian Trail.

Baxter State Park is comprised of 205,000 acres. It is famous for Maine's highest peak - the 5,267-foot Mount Katahdin - but it also contains several more mountains well worth exploring. Katahdin is a bald mass of rock and a rugged climb. One route to the summit crosses the "Knife Edge" which is a narrow ridge that drops off steeply on both sides with a jumble of rocks forming the "trail" across the ridge's spine.

The 100-Mile Wilderness traverses just a tad less than 100 miles without crossing a public road; but it does cross several logging roads. It runs along undeveloped lakes and streams where moose and loons abound.

Boundaries:   North and east of Rt. 201. North of Rt. 16. West of Rt. 11

ME - Northeast   

The mountains of the Central Northeast region are widely scattered and low-elevation.

Good views can be attained from Number Nine Mountain (1,638'), Mars Hill (1,660'), and Quaggy Jo (1,213).

Boundaries:   North of I-95. East of Rt. 11.

ME - Central Northwest   

The Central Northwest region includes the Bigelow and Saddleback ranges as well as several peaks outside of these ranges. This region offers rugged climbing with long views over vast forests and sparkling lakes.

The beloved and popular Bigelow Mountain with its four principal peaks is located within the 35,000-acre Bigelow Preserve. West Peak is the highest point at 4,145 feet. Twenty-one miles of the Appalachian Trail traverse the preserve.

The Saddleback range covers eight peaks, seven of which are over 4,000 feet. Saddleback Mountain is the highest at 4,120 feet.

Boundaries:   South and west of Rt. 201. South of Rt. 16. West of I-95. North of Rt. 2 and 26.

ME - Central Northeast   

Low-elevation mountains litter the Central Northeast region. Most of the mountains are fairly easy climbs and offer fine views.

The view from Peaked Mountain (1,160') includes five lakes, the mountains of Acadia National Park, as well as a view to Mount Katahdin (the highest peak in Maine).

Boundaries:   South and east of I-95. North of Rt. 1A and 182 and 1.

Trail to Royce (photo by Mark Malnati) ME - Central Southwest   

The Central Southwest region contains the eastern-most portion of the White Mountain National Forest as well as the Mahoosuc range.

This part of the national forest has many peaks, most of which are between 2,000 and 3,000 feet. It's an area of rugged terrain and beautiful vistas. East Royce Mountain is the high point at 3,114 feet. Other mountains well known for their outlooks include Mount Caribou and Speckled Mountain.

The Mahoosuc range is also part of the Central Southwest region. The highest point of this range is Old Speck Mountain at 4,170 feet.

Boundaries:   South of Rt. 2 and 26. West of I-95 and I-495. North of Rt. 302.

ME - Central Southeast   

The Central Southeast region is dominated by endless miles of undulating coastline. It encompasses Acadia National Park and Camden Hills State Park.

Acadia National Park occupies 48,000 acres and is largely situated on Mount Desert Island. Containing more than 160 miles of hiking trails, Acadia is marked by the striking juxtaposition of mountains rising sharply above the sea. Much of the hiking is on the easy side but more rugged terrain can certainly be found.

Camden Hills State Park encompasses the Megunticook Mountain range and consists of 5,500 acres. The 1,380-foot Mount Megunticook is its highest point. Twenty-five miles of trails offer views of surrounding hills, mountains, and lakes, as well as cliff-top views of the ocean.

Boundaries:   South and east of I-95 and I-495. South of Rt. 1A, and 182 and 1. North of Portland.

ME - Southern   

Southern Maine consists of hills, woodland walks, and ocean views.

Mount Agamenticus (691') is a short, easy walk and from the fire tower at the top are panoramic views of the surrounding area, including the seacoast.

Pleasant Mountain is the highest hill in the region at 2,006 feet and has views towards the peaks of the White Mountain National Forest.

Boundaries:   South of Rt. 302.

Trail to Rumford Whitecap Mountain (photo by Webmaster)

Gray Jay on West Peak of Baldpate Mountain (photo by webmaster)

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