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Hiking Related Articles

Nature Topic: Meadow Voles
By E. Ann Poole
      Some of winter's stories are revealed in March as the snow evaporates layer-by-layer, blown clean by the bitter night wind. Tracks like fossils crisscross our field, connecting islands of piled rocks to stone walls and tufts of dried weeds. The trails tell tales – mostly mundane, some confounding, and a few dramatic or even tragic. Tragic, that is, if you root for the presumed underdog which in this case was a meadow vole. (more...)

Nature Topic: Black Flies
By E. Ann Poole
      Ah, Spring! Soft breezes, fragrant flowers and that perennial spoiler: the black fly. Specifically, the female black fly which requires blood for the development of her eggs. More than just annoying, these biting bloodsuckers inflict painful welts on their victims. They are attracted to carbon dioxide, a product of respiration, but they are also attracted (more...)

Nature Topic: Gray Fox
By E. Ann Poole
      Sometimes confused with the red fox because of cinnamon-red fur on its sides, the gray fox is increasingly common in rich hardwood forests of the northeast. Unlike its better-known cousin, the gray fox has a black tail tip and relatively short powerful legs. (more...)

Nature Topic: Common Strawberry
By E. Ann Poole
      There's nothing sweeter or more refreshing on a summer morning than a dozen or so fresh-picked wild strawberries for breakfast. Bleeding crimson and full of flavor, these North American delights have been hybridized with larger South American and European species to produce the domesticated garden strawberry. (more...)

Nature Topic: Great Blue Heron
By E. Ann Poole
      Often seen hunting near shore in streams and lakes, the statuesque great blue heron is our largest North American heron. When spotted, if you remain still, you might be lucky enough to see the great blue heron use its elegant neck to strike, and tong-like bill to skewer or clamp on to a fish, frog, salamander, crayfish, or snake. (more...)

Nature Topic: Yellow Clintonia / Bluebead Lily
By Webmaster
      Yellow Clintonia is a member of the Lily Family that bears light yellow flowers in the spring and striking, pure-blue (no hint of purple) berries during the summer (at which time the plant is usually referred to as "bluebead lily" instead of "yellow clintonia"). A single stalk rising from a cluster of two to four large, shiny basal leaves, supports three to ten flowers. (more...)

Spring Coming-out Season for Bears
By J. Ann Eldridge
      March means that New Hampshire's black bears will soon be waking from a long winter nap. Their autumn goal was to eat five times their summer intake, trying for a five-inch layer of fat. As the weather cooled down, so did their appetites, and they sought winter lodging. (more...)

Leave No Trace Principles
By USDA Forest Service
      Thousands of visitors to public areas have a tremendous impact on the land. It's up to all of us to minimize our impact and to travel softly, leaving no trace of our visit so that future generations can enjoy the woods and mountains we all love. Be a low-impact hiker by following Leave No Trace principles. (more...)

Late Fall Hiking: How to Hike in Comfort and Safety
By Bethany Taylor for The Berlin Reporter
      My mother welcomes this month by saying "no leaves, no sun, no snow, November," particularly apt for the North Country. The days are short, dark, and cold, and opportunities to get outside seem to be limited to swathing oneself in (more...)

A Fascination with Fire Towers in New Hampshire and Vermont
By Mike Dickerman for The Littleton Courier
      Considering their relative scarcity nowadays, it’s hard to comprehend that at one time or another over the last century, more than 80 mountaintops across the Granite State have served as hosts to fire detection observation posts or towers.
      Most of these summit fire towers were constructed in the early part of the 20th century in the wake of widespread lumbering activity in New Hampshire. (more...)

Why Leaves Change Color in the Fall
By USDA Forest Service
      If you are lucky, you live in one of those parts of the world where Nature has one last fling before settling down into winter's sleep. In those lucky places, as days shorten and temperatures become crisp, the quiet green palette of summer foliage is transformed into the vivid autumn palette of reds, oranges, golds, and browns before the leaves fall off the trees. On special years, the colors are truly breathtaking. (more...)

Gear: The Ten Essentials
By The White Mountain National Forest and New Hampshire Fish and Game
      When on the trail, a variety of tools and accessories can help to keep you safe, warm and comfortable. However, there are ten items which are an absolute must on each and every hike you take - whether it is an afternoon jaunt or a three-day tour. They are the Ten Essentials: (more...)

Full Gear List of What to Take With You on the Trail
By The White Mountain National Forest and New Hampshire Fish and Game
      This is a listing of the recommended clothing and equipment to bring with you any time you're venturing onto the trail. But, it's important to remember that hikers not only take these items with them, but know how to use them as well–knowledge is power on the trail, so come armed with the tools and know-how to keep yourself safe every time you go out. (more...)

Hiking Safely Through the Seasons in the Mountains
By The White Mountain National Forest and New Hampshire Fish and Game
      The White Mountains are popular for hiking year round. However, each season has its special challenges; be sure you're prepared.
      Seasons aren't always clear-cut in the mountains. It can be summer-like in the valleys, while in higher elevations it can be raining, snowing or socked-in by fog. (more...)

If You Get Lost: How to Self-Rescue
By The White Mountain National Forest and New Hampshire Fish and Game
      Before you set out, take steps to make sure you don't become lost. Learn how to use a map and compass. Call ahead, read a guidebook and study maps of the area you'll be hiking to become familiar with trails, roads, rivers, streams, mountains and other features. Use these as reference points as you hike. Once you've (more...)

Alpine Zone Preservation
By The White Mountain National Forest and New Hampshire Fish and Game
      The White Mountain National Forest contains over 8 square miles of alpine zone, the largest alpine area east of the Rocky Mountains.
      Alpine is defined as the area where trees are 8 feet tall or less. In the White Mountains, this occurs at a surprisingly low elevation because of the harsh weather. (more...)

hikeSafe: Hiker Responsibility Code
By The White Mountain National Forest and New Hampshire Fish and Game
      The Hiker Responsibility Code is a set of principles that all hikers can look to before they hit the trail. Similar to the Skier's Responsibility Code endorsed by the National Ski Areas Association, the Hiker Responsibility Code was created to help hikers become more self aware about their responsibility for their own safety every time they are on a hike. It also (more...)


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